SPIMACO Announcing distinguished jobs for all nationalities in Saudi Arabia Seize the opportunity now تعلن شركة سبيماكو الدوائية عن وظائف مميزة لجميع الجنسيات في المملكة العربية السعودية اغتنم الفرصة الآن

Compliance, Executive Manager

📍 Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (On-site)
🏢 Company: SPIMACO

  • Develop, deploy, and uphold compliance initiatives to ensure employees comprehend and abide by pertinent legal and regulatory standards.
  • Consistently evaluate the organization's operations, procedures, and methodologies to pinpoint areas of non-compliance or potential risks.
  • Supervise and oversee all compliance undertakings within the organization.
  • Educate staff on compliance requisites, policies, and protocols to cultivate a culture of adherence.
  • Take part in investigating any suspected violations, discerning their underlying causes, and implementing corrective measures.
  • Compile and present reports to the compliance director regarding compliance standing and encountered issues.
  • Ensure adherence to SFDA and Ministry of Health regulations.
  • Conduct training sessions, workshops, and disseminate educational materials.
  • Stay updated on new compliance requirements and adjust policies accordingly.
  • Assist in developing a compliance-driven company culture.

Sales & Operation Planning, Manager

📍 Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (On-site)
🏢 Company: SPIMACO

  • Oversee team or project operations, aligning with departmental goals.
  • Develop and implement operational strategies and processes.
  • Manage and develop team members, fostering skill enhancement.
  • Collaborate with other managers to ensure cross-departmental alignment.
  • Monitor and report on project or team performance.
  • Develop methodologies for Sales & Operation Planning, recommending implementation measures.
  • Manage data collection on sales needs and forecasting within the market.
  • Review daily sales operations, analyzing needs to develop accurate forecasts.
  • Use gathered data to develop requirements for sales and demand needs.
  • Monitor market trends and share findings with production to optimize sales planning.

Qualification & Experience

Compliance, Executive Manager

  • Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Law, or a related field.
  • Experience: Minimum of 6 years in a similar role.
  • Language: Proficiency in English (Required), Arabic (Preferred).
  • Preferred Certifications: CCO | GRCO.

Sales & Operation Planning, Manager

  • Education: Bachelor's Degree in a relevant field.
  • Experience: Minimum of 11 years.
  • Language: Proficiency in English (Required), Arabic (Preferred).

To apply, please click here for available vacancies

نظرة عامة

استكشف فرصًا وظيفية متميزة مع شركة SPIMACO في الرياض! سواء كنت خبيرًا في إدارة الامتثال أو تخطيط العمليات والمبيعات، توفر هذه الوظائف تحديات ديناميكية ومسؤوليات استراتيجية. ارتقِ بمسارك المهني مع شركة تقدر الخبرة والابتكار.

تنبية عام: لا تقوم ابدا بأعادة ارسال اي اكواد يحاول المعلن ارسالها لك على الجوال ويطالبك باعادة ارسالها له وعليك الابلاغ عن الاعلان فور حدوث ذلك لنقوم بحظر المعلن واغلاق الاعلان

تنبية عام: لا تقوم بتحويل اى مبالغ مالية مقابل التوظيف اذا كنت تتقدم لشركة من خلال احدي مكاتب التوظيف نرجوا الاطلاع على ترخيص المكتب وزيارته اذا امكن قبل دفع اي رسوم.

لمتابعة 100٪ من الوظائف المنشورة يوميًا تابعوا قنواتنا على التليجرام


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