يعلن صندوق التنمية العقارى عن وظائف إدارية لحملة البكالوريوس بالرياض The Real Estate Development Fund announced administrative jobs in Riyadh

 Saudi Arabia Jobs Today: Real Estate Development Fund - REDF announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Saudi Arabia? Real Estate Development Fund - REDF announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Saudi Arabia today. These opportunities are available to all nationalities. Learn about the available jobs and how to apply through the following advertisement.

Vision and mission of the fund:

  •  Providing and innovating diverse and balanced financing programs to suit all segments of society through integration with the Ministry of Housing to implement its programs related to the beneficiaries and working professionally and skillfully to provide effective financing and investment solutions that enable segments of society to obtain suitable housing.

 Strategic objectives:

  •  Contribute to achieving the plans and objectives of the National Housing Strategy.
  •  Supporting real estate financing and investment through an effective partnership with the public and private sectors.
  •  Increase the supply of housing products in terms of quantity and quality.
  •  Achieving the availability of the residential product with appropriate quality and time.


Required jobs in the Real Estate Development Fund - REDF and their details: 

Senior Specialist, Capital Market

 Job specific tasks:
  •  Identify sources of data and information to conduct financial analysis, collect and analyze data and information from identified sources, interpret data related to prices, stability and future trends of investments, and summarize data related to current and future trends
  • Identifying data and information sources to conduct financial analyses and carry out the necessary studies and analyses with the aim of determining return requirements and the level of risk appetite when undertaking any investment transaction.
  • Preparing charts to display and illustrate results, and preparing recommendations regarding investment timing (buying and selling)
  • Review financial models, trends and projections, identify risks and mitigation measures, and develop business methods and procedures using modern technologies.
  • Preparing specialized investment documents and reports, providing appropriate recommendations and solutions related to them, and presenting, explaining and storing them in its database in accordance with approved policies and procedures.

Specialist, Treasury Credit

Job specific tasks:
  •   Participate in developing the financial strategy in accordance with the entity’s overall goals and objectives, and determine financial needs, return requirements, and risk appetite.
  • Identify the need for new credit products and services, monitor and analyze investment requirements and trends, develop new credit products and services, and determine relevant prices, rates and controls.
  • Studying the creditworthiness of customers, determining the appropriate financial products for them, preparing documents, credit reports, terms and procedures to be taken in the event of default or default (suspension of payment).
  • Providing advice and guidance on credit operations and supervision, such as financial forecasting, budget preparation and financial performance reviews.
  • Preparing, presenting, clarifying and storing specialized credit-related documents and reports in its database in accordance with approved policies and procedures.

Senior Specialist, Operational Risk

Job specific tasks:
  •  Participate in developing the entity’s risk management policies and procedures and work to implement them in a manner consistent with the entity’s general plans and with the regulating policies and procedures.
  • Identify, analyze and mitigate risks, determine the likelihood and impact of risks, develop risk management policies and prepare risk assessment reports.
  • Identify measures to mitigate the effects of potential risks, and design and implement risk management policies and procedures to prevent identified risks.
  • Analyze and evaluate the likelihood of risks and their potential impacts, develop forecasting models, conduct sensitivity analyses, and provide risk reports.
  • Preparing specialized documents and reports related to risk management, participating in presenting and explaining them, and working to save them in its database in accordance with approved policies and procedures.

 How to apply for jobs

To apply for the mentioned jobs, you can follow these steps:

  1.   To go to the application page. (  Real Estate Development Fund - REDF  ) job opportunities
  2. Click on the job title to view details.
  3. Please click the fast forward button at the top of the page.
  4. Enter the required information in the pop-up screens.
  5. Click Review to review the form.

Source and additional details

  • Source of jobs: Official company website 
  • Publication date: 7-9-2024 (Please check the date before submitting).
  • Required Nationalities: All Nationalities.


  وظائف السعودية اليوم: صندوق التنمية العقارية - REDF تعلن عن فرص عمل جديدة . هل تبحث عن فرص عمل في السعودية ؟ صندوق التنمية العقارية - REDF تعلن عن فتح باب التوظيف للعديد من الوظائف في مختلف التخصصات في السعودية بتاريخ اليوم . تتاح هذه الفرص لجميع الجنسيات. تعرف على الوظائف المتاحة وكيفية التقديم من خلال الإعلان التالي.

رؤية ورسالة الصندوق:

  •  توفير وإبتكار برامج تمويل متنوعه ومتوازنه لتناسب جميع طبقات المجتمع من خلال التكامل مع وزارة الاسكان لتنفيذ برامجها المرتبطة بالمستفيدين والعمل بحرفية ومهنية على توفير حلول تمويلية وإستثمارية فاعلة تُمكّن فئات المجتمع من الحصول على المسكن الملائم.

 الأهداف الاستراتيجية:

  •  المساهمة في تحقيق خطط واهداف الاستراتيجية الوطنية للاسكان .
  •  دعم التمويل والإستثمار العقاري من خلال شراكة فاعلة مع القطاعين العام و الخاص .
  •  زيادة العرض من المنتجات السكنية كمآ ونوعآ .
  •  تحقيق الحصول على المنتج السكني بجودة و وقت مناسبين .

تنبية عام: لا تقوم ابدا بأعادة ارسال اي اكواد يحاول المعلن ارسالها لك على الجوال ويطالبك باعادة ارسالها له وعليك الابلاغ عن الاعلان فور حدوث ذلك لنقوم بحظر المعلن واغلاق الاعلان

تنبية عام: لا تقوم بتحويل اى مبالغ مالية مقابل التوظيف اذا كنت تتقدم لشركة من خلال احدي مكاتب التوظيف نرجوا الاطلاع على ترخيص المكتب وزيارته اذا امكن قبل دفع اي رسوم.

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